Yes, it was a bright and squinty day. These pictures above were actually taken on Sunday. Mom arived Thursday afternoon. We went through pictures to trade or copy from eachother's scrapboks and collections. We talked and had so much fun.

Kylee, Mia, and Candy (Mia's other Grandma) came on Friday. Mom and I had gone to a thrift store and found some fun toys. One is a large music toy with piano keys and a monky that dances when she touches any thing. We scrubbed it down, and had it ready for Mia. She just loved it!
It was so fun to watch Mia. Although, Mom is a better picture taker than I am, so maybe she'll post her pictures on her blog. Mia loved to crawl around and find something that she's not supposed to get to (usually something that an adult has).
Mia would do a kind - dance while she was waiting for another bite of food. (I am having such a hard time posting pictures to the right places here, that I'll post that one later.)
Mom and I also went to view all the mountains that suround us from a bute that shows what the different mountains are by a diagram pointing to them in the middle. I didn't realize we had that many. I thought thought there were only 7, but there are so many more. It was a spur of the whim idea to go there, so we didn't have our cameras with us. Bummer.
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