I Found these pictures I had taken as a teenager. I’m guessing that it’s around 1985. It shows some of our yard (front and back). You guys might not remember it then because you were little, but we had allot of fun there. It looks like a really hot day by the clothing.
This picture only shows the far left corner of the back yard. To the right is a grassy area with a play fort including a swing that Jeff made in Jr. high wood shop.
That’s Robert playing in the sandbox that was made with an old tire. Paul and he would make roads in it for their hot wheel cars in it. I think that’s a bucket of water by him so he could pour it on the sand and make the sculpted roads hard enough for his cars to run on.
Back by the fence, is Paul with his friend, Patrick Cantrell. His older sister, Christina, and I were best friends. I’m guessing they are playing cars too. They would run them along the fence railing. I took the picture from the deck.
That’s Robert playing in the sandbox that was made with an old tire. Paul and he would make roads in it for their hot wheel cars in it. I think that’s a bucket of water by him so he could pour it on the sand and make the sculpted roads hard enough for his cars to run on.
Back by the fence, is Paul with his friend, Patrick Cantrell. His older sister, Christina, and I were best friends. I’m guessing they are playing cars too. They would run them along the fence railing. I took the picture from the deck.

Here is a picture of Robert giving Christina a horsey-back ride in the front yard. I think they are about to go through the sprinkler which is running back behind them.
I remember spending some Saturday mornings weeding that yard with all the rest of you guys doing Super– Saturday chore around me. Then we got to do something fun, like go to a movie, Go to the roller-skating rink. Also Saturday morning, Mom would cook waffles with wheat fresh from the wheat grinder.
(I’m calling Robert “Robert” in this because he absolutely did not like to be called any nick names like “Rob” at the time.)
it is so cool to see the pictures and hear the stories. I was so young then that I have very few memories of Oregon. -Christina