We had Stake conference today. I was troubled about something and needed answers from my Heavenly Father. So I prayed that during this conference I might receive some answers and reassurance that was so desperately needed. During the conference I was amazed as each speaker addressed one of the issues that I was dealing with. And as I listened, I also received personal revelation (specific answers to my questions). And reassurance filled my heart that these answers are true, and that the Lord, and my dear Heavenly Father, are all I need to lean on to receive this direction in my life.
"I Stand All Amazed", perhaps for more reasons than the hymn talks about. But what song could include all the incredible reasons to stand all amazed for the love that He offers me, or the grace that so fully He proffers me.
I am so grateful that I have the Gospel, and that my Lord, Jesus Christ, my Heavenly Father, and the Holy Ghost are there for me every time I ask for their help or comfort. The Gospel of Jesus Christ is true. Our leaders are lead by God and inspired in what to teach us. Our prophet, Thomas S. Monson is a true prophet seer and revelator, and that Jesus Christ is the head of our church. This I bear witness to you in the name of Jesus Christ. Amen.