Sunday, March 22, 2009

Some Illustrations you probably haven't seen

This tree village was drawn for school. It is actually closer to 20 inches wide.

The two below are just some fun little ones that I did up really quick.

Monday, March 16, 2009

Happy Birthday, Dad -Memories

Denise sent an email so that we all could remember and share stories about Dad on his birthday. I thought it might be easier if we had in on a blog so we can all see the ongoing stories.

I should have come to you before our family night tonight, but I figure better late than never. For our family night we talked to the kids about Lamar and told stories about him since our kids were too young to remember him. Paul, Becca and I told stories, including the time his bank got robbed by a clutzy bank robber (who tried to jump over the half-door and tripped over it; moved all of the employees away and never got any money out of the drawers; and then left before getting anything from his efforts only to be caught by the police as he was leaving -- he had looked so suspicious a customer who was going to follow him in instead went back out and called police); the time he was carrying something heavy down the stairs and smashed his hand and said, "Oh, oh, oh, swear words!"; how he said, "The older and older I get, the more and more I learn about less and less"; and how he LOVED to read and was a great story teller.
Anyway, I'd love any stories you all would like to contribute so we can tell our kids about him and every year remind them that their Dad's Dad was special.
Denise "

I remember how Dad used to get right down on the floor and play with us kids. When Christina was a baby, Dad had his pop-belly. And he used to lay down on the carpet and ballance Christina on his belly then laugh, and Christina would be bounced up and down on his belly as he laughed. All of us kids laughed too. It reminded us of the sceen in "Hop on Pop" by Dr Seuss. And the harder we laughed, the harder Dad laughed, and up and down on his belly Christina was bounced with her baby laughter stirring us on to laugh some more. Dad made time for us. And those were wonderful times. I wish you could remember it Christina. I can't write it justice now, but it was fun.

Sunday, March 15, 2009

How Wonderful is the Spirit!

We had Stake conference today. I was troubled about something and needed answers from my Heavenly Father. So I prayed that during this conference I might receive some answers and reassurance that was so desperately needed. During the conference I was amazed as each speaker addressed one of the issues that I was dealing with. And as I listened, I also received personal revelation (specific answers to my questions). And reassurance filled my heart that these answers are true, and that the Lord, and my dear Heavenly Father, are all I need to lean on to receive this direction in my life.

"I Stand All Amazed", perhaps for more reasons than the hymn talks about. But what song could include all the incredible reasons to stand all amazed for the love that He offers me, or the grace that so fully He proffers me.

I am so grateful that I have the Gospel, and that my Lord, Jesus Christ, my Heavenly Father, and the Holy Ghost are there for me every time I ask for their help or comfort. The Gospel of Jesus Christ is true. Our leaders are lead by God and inspired in what to teach us. Our prophet, Thomas S. Monson is a true prophet seer and revelator, and that Jesus Christ is the head of our church. This I bear witness to you in the name of Jesus Christ. Amen.

Saturday, March 7, 2009

Visit to Kylee and Mia's

I just got back from visiting Kylee and Mia. Mia is so active and intregued by everything. She babbles and giggles and is so much fun to interact with. I took lots of pictures and even a video of her, then my camera stopped working. So I thought, at least I can take the memory card and get everything put to CD. But wouldn't you know, the camera messed up all the pictures so they were unreadable! And I had some good ones to. And the camera is just over it's warrenty time. If anyone is looking to buy a camera, don't get Kodak. I've talked to 3 other people who's cameras died just after the warrenty expired.

I did get to love on Mia and had fun interacting with her. She loves books and to be read stories. She even stays interested through the whole book! Kylee has been reading to her regularly. So now I want to get her more books.

I'm going back there in two weeks. I don't have a working camera now; I may not have any pictures to show next time either. But I will update you on my visits.